Evaluations: MONDAY, DECEMBER 9 at 3:00 PM
Trinity Football is open to kids Kindergarten through 8th grade. We plan to subdivide into several age brackets. Practice will either be Monday or Thursday night from 6-7pm here on the fields at Trinity. We will have six (6) game nights.
Mandatory player evaluations will be held on December 9 from 3PM-7PM.
We will need lots of adult volunteers to make this happen. If you are interested please contact Pastor Clay crobinson@trinitybc.org.
The league fees for this year are $50.
For more information contact Pastor Clay at the church office 352-473-7261.
Here is the link for sign ups:
Registration is open
to kids age K5-8th grade.
The league fees for this year are $50
to reserve your spot today!
Trinity Flag Football is going to be a blast! The only thing that could make it better is your friends! Please be sure to personally invite friends, family, and neighbors to join you at the fields this season.