The heart of our ministry to Senior Adults is our Sunday morning Bible classes.
The Senior Adult division of our Sunday School includes both coed classes and separate classes for men and women. In addition to Bible study, many other activities are available.
Silvers Saints is a group of our young-at-heart seniors who enjoy Christian fellowship, food, and fun. They meet once a month, usually the third Thursday of the month, alternating between on-site and off-site programs. A typical on-site meeting includes singing, a devotional by one of members, a program geared toward the seniors’ interests, and a covered-dish luncheon.
An off-site program consists of a devotional and a day-or multiple-day visit to such attractions as the Jacksonville Zoo, the Alhambra Dinner Theater, a trip to Cedar Key or St. Augustine, or a four-five day trip to the mountains in the fall.
Trinity Baptist Church has long been supported and upheld by the prayers of our faithful senior adult membership. Your time, your effort, your prayers, and your voice is core to our life. And your mentorship, your leadership, is critical to our young families and single adults.